Friday, September 4, 2009

Address and such

If I were an honest blogger, I would write: Ah. Eeeee. Ooh. Cha. Kee. Blah. Ahhhhhhckkkkkkk. Ouwowoaoiwekghaksjhd! Bloogey blookey blah blah blah blah. Shh.

Instead, I'll say, calmly: Tomorrow I leave for Belize. I have packed and repacked all day. My bags weigh 49.5 pounds each and are waiting patiently by the door. There are four suitcases, one duffle, two carry-ons, one crate, & a comforter: five for Belize, two for Dallas & two for New Orleans. Everything else is neatly stashed organized in various closets and attic spaces at my dad's house in Indianapolis, and my car is in Madison.

Again, if I were an honest blogger, I would fill the rest of this page up with Please write! Please call! 85 times in a row I'd write that. But instead I'll say, calmly and without desperation: Here is my address in Belize-
Brooke Wilson
Santa Familia Village
Cayo District, Belize
Central America

Brooke in BZ map

Eventually I'll have a local Belizean phone that will allow you to call me (on your dime, wink!) whenever you want, and I'll be able to make limited calls. I'm hoping to have internet at least once a week, and will post whenever possible. You know me. I can find internet from a rock.

My classmates are in India, Rwanda, Kenya & Ethiopia, and I can't wait to hear about everyone's experiences! The Tulane School of Social Work has put together an international blog for those of us doing our last semester abroad. If you want to read their stories, go here.

Me? I'll be working with kids in a domestic violence shelter (teaching kids and staff coping skills and anger interventions), and I'll spend one day a week in the village schools doing a writing project with the Standard 4, 5 & 6 classes. Below is my professional project, the manual I put together to train shelter staff and volunteers on interventions and coping skills for kids who have witnessed violence. I think it's pretty, and I'm excited to see how everything works out.

DV manual
Otherwise, I'm over and out! See you in December.

1 comment:

  1. Safe travels Brooke! I can't wait to hear about all of the stuff you are doing! Sounds like you are stoked!
